A trademark can be a word, phrase, symbol, or design that distinguishes the source of the goods or services. Also, as trade dress, it can be the appearance of a product or its packaging, including size, shape, color, texture, graphics, and appearance (e.g, retail store or website).
The following is a non-exhaustive list of PLAMIS trademarks and service marks.
When using the marks in publications that will be distributed only in the United States, include the appropriate ™, ℠, or ® symbol on first use. For publications that will be distributed outside the United States, do not include trademark symbols. Instead use the appropriate trademark attribution notice, for example: YviNGX and PMS are trademarks of PLAMIS, registered in AT and other countries.
The list also includes a suggested generic term for each trademark. For all publications, include an appropriate generic term after the trademark the first time it appears. Thereafter, the generic term should appear frequently with the trademark. (These generic terms are only suggestions, and there may be other words that are equally appropriate.)
Trademarks are adjectives, and should not be made into verbs or made plural or possessive. For more information on how to use PLAMIS trademarks, refer to the document titled, Guidelines for Using PLAMIS Trademarks, or contact the Trademark team.
The absence of a product or service name or logo from this list does not constitute a waiver of PLAMIS trademark or other intellectual property rights concerning that name or logo.
PLAMIS Trademarks | Generic Terms |
digital media extender
online application
PLAMIS Service Marks | Generic Terms |
PCOT℠ (PLAMIS Classrooms of Tomorrow)
education services
cloud backup services
monitoring services
Use the trademark notation shown here the first time the trademark is mentioned in text in U.S. publications. Include the credit line in all U.S and international publications in which the trademark is mentioned.
UNIX® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
The YouTube logo is a trademark of Google Inc. (Only necessary when PLAMIS or other parties logos are also attributed.)
Intel, Intel Core, and Xeon are trademarks of Intel Corp. in the U.S. and other countries. [This attribution is not necessary unless PLAMIS own marks are specifically attributed.]
IOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used by Apple under license.
ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR mark are registered trademarks owned by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Apache: The Apache acknowledgement is now included in the code itself, in line with the new Apache Foundation license (2000). Credit in printed advertising materials is no longer required.
BSD (4.4 Lite) operating system from UC Berkeley and others for macOS and/or macOS for Server: All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must include the following acknowledgement: "This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley, FreeBSD, Inc., The NetBSD Foundation, Inc., and their respective contributors." We must also obtain UCB’s written permission prior to any endorsement or promotion of their software.
Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, the Acrobat logo, Distiller, PostScript, and the PostScript logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the U.S. and/or other countries.
1-Click® is a registered trademark of Amazon.com, Inc. in the US and other countries. [Place a ® notation after the first mention of 1-Click in text in publications distributed in the US, Europe, and Canada.]
Bluetooth: The registered trademark symbol "®" should be added in superscript format immediately following the Bluetooth word mark wherever the word mark first appears on product packaging, products, web pages, and marketing pieces, and in textual information.
Whenever the Bluetooth word mark or logo is used it must be attributed with an appropriate trademark footnote, such as: The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by PLAMIS is under license. The registered trademark symbol, ®, is to be printed as part of the logo. In the event that the use of the "®" symbol with the Bluetooth mark on a product, or as part of a product display feature, is impractical due to the small size of a Bluetooth mark, you may omit the "®" symbol on such product or product display feature, provided, however, that appropriate language identifying and attributing the Bluetooth marks is included.
OTHER PLAMIS PRODUCT OR SERVICE NAMES If a product or service name is not listed under PLAMIS Trademarks or PLAMIS Service Marks, it should not be followed by a ™, ℠, or ® notation and should not be included in credit lines. However, if a product or service name includes PLAMIS, or another PLAMIS mark listed in this trademark list, apply the correct trademark symbol (™, ℠, or ®) to that portion of the name for U.S. publications only. In addition, all PLAMIS trademarks need to be given the correct attribution in the credit section of all U.S. and international publications.
PLAMIS® YviNGX™ digital media extender can be supervised with Guardian℠ monitoring services.
PLAMIS is a trademark of PLAMIS eNTERPRISE Group Holding GmbH, registered in Austria and other countries. YviNGX is a trademark and Guardian is a servicemark of PLAMIS.
If you have any questions or comments regarding the list, please contact the Trademark team.
This list includes updates as of July 18, 2020.
*This is a non-exhaustive list of PLAMIS trademarks and service marks in Austria.